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What is Pkinism? Pkinism (pi-kin-i-ZUHM) is a self-directed spiritual practice created by Ren Moulaison based around personal growth, self-awareness and integration, through the use of:


  • Personality/relationship diagrams and concepts, based on twelve different Archetypes created in the mind of the Practitioner (which are then represented by physical objects like stuffed animals, figurines, dolls, etc.)

  • Self-written Allegories about said Archetypes, derived from the individual Practitioner’s own life and psyche


Our Mission: To help people (ideally from the ages of 12-24) grow in their understandings of who they are as multi-faceted beings, and ultimately learn to integrate all the different parts of themselves.


Why 12-24? We believe the age group of 12-24 years would be best to practice Pkinism, because it is the time in which a person grows into themself the most - and at the age of twelve, a person has reached an age where they are mature enough to understand what the journey entails. Because of this, it is considered a Rite of Passage, sort of like how a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a Rite of Passage to a Jewish person.

    However, if you are older than this age group, you can still practice Pkinism by going through a Retroactive Cycle, which allows anyone either midway through that timeframe or ages 24 and up to be Practitioners on behalf of their teen/young adult selves (meaning their Archetypes still represent that time in their life even if they are starting at a later point). See Physical Reception Schedules to learn more about the different variations of this.


Sacred Choice: Because Pkinism is a self-directed practice, there is an inherent importance prescribed to the concept of Sacred Choice - which denotes that it is a Pkinist's choice and their choice alone whether or not they will participate in their own journey, as well as which aspects of the practice they will participate in, and that no one can take that choice away from them unless the way they practice actively harms another person.


Archetypes: During their Cycles, Practitioners can receive, create or acquire physical representations of their Archetypes (each one symbolizing an aspect of their own personality) over the course of at least twelve years, spending each year focusing their energy on the respective Archetypes' personalities, relationships with other Archetypes (if any) and how each of those components relate to the Practitioner's daily life. The days in which in they receive these Archetypes are called Reevcies (REHV-seez), and they usually happen on the Practitioner's birthday. The frequency, quantity and overall timing of each Reevcie may vary depending on the Practitioner's choice or circumstance (see Physical Reception Schedules for details).

    Practitioners may also choose the mediums, species and colors of the Archetypes in question (see Physical Attribute Guide for more info).

Nomenclature: Each Archetype is named according to a specific anagramming system, which involves borrowing groups of letters from two existing words, putting them together and repeatedly rearranging them in a way that loops back to the first, after twelve names have been produced. This system is used to symbolically denote the interconnected nature of the Archetypes.

  To make communication less confusing, Practitioners may choose to also give their Archetypes more recognizable, human names - which would primarily be featured in the Allegories written about them.


Cycle Timeline Diagrams: If they would like, each Practitioner may keep a personal visual Timeline to track their Cycle. These can vary in complexity from very simple to very detailed and intricate. So far, the only Cycle Timeline Diagram in existence is the Spiral Calendar, but Practitioners are free to create their own if existing ones don't suit their needs.


Legacy & Mentorship: Practitioners may or not choose to pass on this practice to their own children (who do get the choice of whether or not to participate themselves). The former-Practitioner parents of adolescent/young adult Practitioners may or may not ultimately become their Mentors - but if they do, they become known as Legacy Mentors, whose job on their child's Pkin Journey is to both provide them with the physical representations of their Archetypes and guide them along their path. This also applies to any other adult 24 years or older who wants to Mentor any given Practitioner, whether related to them or not.

 Please note here, as per the mention of Sacred Choice, that this does not mean emotionally abusing or manipulating Practitioners into complying with what the Mentor wants, but rather to teach the Practitioner about different Pkin concepts and providing relevant insight for them when needed and asked for.

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