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Say Hello to Our New Official Logo™! New Home for the Forum?

New and improved Rilaya Indie Project Official Logo ™ Idea Credit: Lexi Moulaison Fanart credit: @hosiesposies on Tumblr

Hello Rilaya Fandom! 😃Now that I've finished the dialogue about Vanilla's script and now I'm waiting for my cowriters to finish their portions, I've been wandering around with a lot of free time. That being said, I've recently decided to make some changes around here:First off, I found out that the previous Forum I was using for this Site has given me a number of technical complications, in addition to having many limited features for my liking, so I decided to change that section of the Site to a completely different forum: ProBoards! ! You can access this new forum by clicking here (I also have the forum properly linked in the main menu of this website, so it is there if you ever want to access).Forum categories include:

  • Reviews & Faves - This is where you can post reaction videos / reviews of our movies, compare and contrast them to their original fanfics, and vote / discuss your favorites!

  • We accept reviews and comparisons in text posts, videos, and audio / podcast formats (links required for all podcasts)We welcome favorite discussions in text and video posting format

  • Reaction / review videos may be embedded in the post or linked to the appropriate site

  • ⚠️WARNING: This is NOT a spoiler free zone. Read at your own risk.

  • Adaptation Requests and Prompts: This is where you can request a Rilaya fic to be made into a film, send us prompts for short Rilaya films, and even submit your script to make it a movie!

  • Links to original fanfics are required for all adaptation requests

  • We welcome requests for short films in text publication format only (optional: image accompaniment)

  • PDF links are required for all script submissions

  • If your script is based on an existing fanfiction that you are not the author of, ask your original author for permission to use their story and accept it in your script submission (either by name or by screen name - author choice)

  • Got Any Queeries? - This is where you can ask us any questions you may have about the Rilaya Indie Project, as well as submit questions for us to answer on YouTube Q&A or Instagram Livestreams!

Censored words and phrases include:

  • d * ke

  • f * gg * t / f * g

  • tr * nny

  • ni ** er / ni ** a

  • s * d * m * te [s] / s * d * m and g * m * rr * h

  • c * nt / sl * t / wh * re

That is all about the Forum. However, if you have any ideas / suggestions for other [sub] categories and / or censored words / phrases, please feel free to let me know so I can add them!


Now on the second topic, which I'm so excited about!As you can see in the image above, we have a new Official Logo ™!

I decided to make this logo yesterday when I was using Wix Logo Maker, and flipping through its different options, and found a look style similar to the icon and name shown in the photo presented above. So after deciding that yours was too simplistic for my liking, I went ahead and made a few modifications on my own, changing the colors, changing the icon and stretching and company name before adding the fanart part.I didn't realize this initially when I was choosing which fanart to put on the Logo, but there is actually a lot of symbolism embedded in the final product:

  1. The icon has thunder and lightning, and Riley's Claddagh ring is shown in the picture. These elements represent Riley's and Maya's common phrases of "Thunder, Lightning, [Forever]" and "Ring Power", symbolizing their promise to always stay connected to each other.

  2. The icon also includes the sun. This, along with the sunbeams behind Riley and Maya in the image, symbolizes one of Maya's nicknames for Riley on the show: Sunshine. It also highlights one of Rilaya's most iconic quotes Maya said to Riley, which is from episode 2.14 "Girl Meets Creativity": "Do you know what happens at 5:30? You turn to gold." Also, the fact that Riley's ring is shown makes this even more significant.

  3. The thunder / lightning / sun icon is also incredibly symbolic, in my eyes, of the Rilaya relationship; Thunder and Lightning represents Maya's realistic / pessimistic approach to life, while the Sun is indicative of Riley's optimism / idealism. This is important because the show tried to illustrate how they balance each other, which reminds us of the quote, "People change people" (featured in episode 2.03, "The Girl Knows the Secret in Life", but revised over and over for the rest of the show).

  4. The colors in the icon and the company name: yellow and red. These are the colors that Riley and Maya used most often together in seasons one and two,often swapping them with each other from episode to episode. Red means passion, creativity, dominance, aggression, sexuality, courage and strength, all the qualities that Maya has in the program. Yellow represents happiness, joy, idealism, optimism, warmth, joy, and caution, which are clearly indicative of Riley's vibrant personality.

  5. In the original post I extracted the presented fanart from, the following message was written underneath: "Dedicated, of course, at the end of the program [episode 3.21 'Girl Meets Goodbye'] (and the beginning of the romantic rilaya)". This essentially represents the premise of the Rilaya Indie Project itself, and why it wanted to start the project in the first place: Disney [and/or Michael Jacobs] were unable to provide the proper LGBTQ representation for their minority viewers; so after the show was canceled, I took matters into my own hands working to give Rilaya's fandom what Disney couldn't give them: real representation and [at least semi] canonical status for Rilaya.

Welp, that's it for tonight, folks! 🙂 I hope you are having a wonderful day / night / anytime you are reading this, and that life in general is treating you well!I can't wait to see the changes in store for the Rilaya Indie Project below! 😀 I have a feeling it will be good!

~ Lexi Moulaison, Founder of the Rilaya Indie Project

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